Friday, May 18, 2012

Inside watching the ti-ide ro-oll a-way ?
Come on and take a free ride and sing a few songs 
upcoming Midtown Bike Choir meetings:
5/18/2012@ 5:30pm at Harriet Brewery 3036 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis ( next to Hub bike shop)     
5/20/2012@ 4pm at Freewheel Midtown Bike Center                                                                                                    



Wednesday, April 25, 2012

8:30pm view of Minneapolis from St. Paul side River Road @30daysofbiking skipping a song over the river Coming Home to You

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday 4/22/2012 4pm @Freewheel Midtown Bike Center MEETING

Trying a different time...Bring your songs and enthusiasm.  We can bike to Harriet brewery for some liquid rescusitation

Friday, April 20, 2012

where is the midtown bike choir ?

At 4:20 on 4.20 I realized I have done nothing this week ...  now at 7:27 , I realize nothing is not accurate...  

In fact, I have been thinking beaucoup about the choir.  Where to rehearse, how to get people jazzed ( or rockin ) with the idea... 

I did dig out some songbooks (Belle Nuit anyone ?) and listened to cities97 trying to get more ideas.  And of course doing my 30 days of biking and working like a persistent ant.

Next meeting Saturday,  10:30am on 4/21/2012.  Bring songs and rain gear.  The rain is supposed to start at 1 pm,  so we should be able to meet for 30min, sing for 30 min and then disperse into the bioshphere

I promise not to be late again ( unless I have a really really good excuse ).  Hope to see you there

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Am I doing up so late on a SCHOOL / WORK night ????

hey everybody, I just wanted to send out a euthermic welcome to the Midtown Bike Choir Blog.  There will be a rainbow or two, I promise.

Welcome to The Midtown Bike Choir Blog

Its been a great few weeks here in uptown, midtown whatever.  I am looking forward to getting out with you all this weekend, maybe even a preview in a couple of nights.  We need to prepare for the Greenway Glow.  Looking to recruit at least 20 singing addicts to liven up the Greenway.